Over the last days we found out that mom must have missed us more during her little vacation around New Year than she is willing to admit.
You see, with them was Emma, the sweet Beagle woofie of the other couple. It seems that mom went crazy over her, seeing her little Chillimus Prettypuss in some of her moves.
Hence she called Emma "Emmamus" for the whole stay. Silly mom!
One night while they were watching a movie Emmamus even borrowed under the blanket with mom and the other type of human. Her heart almost melted!

As a true Beagle Emma loves food. Here she's munching away on a dried pig ear. Ehem, it must be a woofie thing.
Her ears are a bit wet because she chose to roll around in a dungheap that day and had to have a shower. Mom? What exactly did you remind of me?

Purrs, Chillimus Prettypuss
Emma is a very beautiful girl. Almost as beautiful as you, Chilli!:)
Emma is sure a pretty woofie, but she still can't hold a milkbone to you!!!
What a sweetie pie Emma is! Great pics, I especially love the beach shot.
Yes, pigs ears and rolling in disgusting substances are definitely doggie things. Eeewwww. LOL.
Well as a temporary substitute for you Chilli, we think Emma is pretty cute!
pee ess. We gave you both an award today...stop by sometime to pick it up!
Emma is cute. Our favourite pic is the close-up of her nose!
We think you're right about insisting on a sheepskin, Chilli!
Hey Chili... will you manage to sneak into the bag when your Mom comes to visit us?
U are cuter for sure, perhaps u should try harder for having those stuff too!
You must have mixed feelings looking at those pictures of Emma, knowing your Mom was spending time with her, not you. Hmm. Good she came back!
She looks very nice, but we don't immediately see a resemblance. Mom must have been missing you very much. Maybe the love of sheepskin was it. If you had one, she would be reminded of you even more (next time? What next time?).
Emma looks like a real sweetheart.
Oh that snout! Mom is melting...and I am just thinking how whappable it is! Grete wants to play with her.
yum. dried pig ears.
You mom is so silly. Emmamus. Isn't that like a loving mom to find similarities between a doggie and her kitty. That means she really missed you, Chilli.
Emma is so cute and looks like she has a great life. Love the pics, especially the one on the beach.
I really loved your pic at the end, Miss Chillimus!
Emma is quite a cutie! I love beagles because they really do have those fun silky ears! And I can kind of see how she could remind your mom of you!
Sheep skin is the best. FAZ
Emma sure is cute for a woofie! Our mom loves Beagles, but our dad had one when he was young and said they are such bad dogs. Very naughty and mischievious. Plus they like to howl. Mom doesn't care, look how cute they are, she says! And Chilli, you are truly adorable!
Emma is cute, but rolling in poop? Eeeew!
Emma is a cutie, but we know you are first with your mom and Emma was just being a substitute cuz your mom missed you so much!!!! xxxxxx
Emma is a lovely girl. Of course I am not certain how I would feel about my human cheating on me but stil...
That is a nice doggie.
You could probably ask Mom nicely to get you a bed like hers ...
(nice photos .. thanks for sharing)
Emma is a lovely Beagle! Shadow has a Beagle, too. THose ears are very soft and those eyes will make you do any thing!
Emma is adorable, but your pretty darn adorable too.
We love pig ears but can't have them anymore (we tend to get possessive and fight over them).
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
What a wonderful trip NY! wowww
Emma is adorable, we loved her pictures and absolutely we agree with you, about that cosy blanket! I want one as well! :)
purrs and love
Luna - We love Luna
Following up to the comment you left on my site:
Annie always has been pretty crabby. She's good with humans, doesn't care for other cats. She has her loving moments, though.
As for the Lysine: it's the same for humans and for animals--it's an amino acid we all have. So I get my capsules (powder inside) from a local health food/supplement store. People take it for cold sores--lessens the severity and duration. You can't overdose your cat on it, so it's not "dangerous," but I also wouldn't give more than 500mg per day during a flare up. 250mg per day, roughly, on an on-going basis as a preventative supplement. Good luck!
Emma(mus) is a pretty dog and your mom has taken some beautiful pictures of her.
And Clilli we agree; you should definitely have a sheep skin too :-)
Emma is a cutie. But you are always first in her heart. Maybe your Mom is looking for a sheepskin for you.
Who can possibly resist a cute Beagle!
Emmamus! Awesome. Mom has nicknamed Chani, Chanikins... it's silly, but we let her.
9 hasn't been given any nicknames yet, but we keep hear the words: Naughty boy, a lot. Maybe that is his nickname.
9 and Chani
Well Emma is pretty cute... for a DOG.
(Glogirly's cat)
Emma is a pretty cute woofie!!
I think we need to start a campaign to get your Mummy to buy you a sheepskin!
There is hope fur your mom!
Emma is furry beaWOOtiful!
Pig ears are nom nom nom!
Hi Siena and Chilli,
"Emmamus" is quite a cutie pie (almost as cute as the two of you)!
Thanks to you and your mom for visiting our blog, and for your thoughtful comments about the passing of our buddy Pharaoh.
By the way, I see that you live in Koln. What a fascinating city ... I visited once, and enjoyed it very much). :)
Kevin (aka meowmeowmans) and Tracey
from Animal Shelter Volunteer Life and all the cats at PAWS
A very pretty woofie, but not as pretty as you.. Mum says to tell you that she is sorry for not saying we did get the little something in our card and thank you so much.. Sorry for not saying before. We will try again when it is warmer.. Hugs GJ xx
Aw, Emma is such a sweet looking lady dog, and she made your human mom happy while she was gone.
Emma is a cute woofie and if she gets a sheep skin bed than you certainly should too Chilli!
Our mewmie was on vacation, too and missed us but said it helped that there was a doggie and a kitty where she was staying that helped her, too.
Ema is cute, but yoo are cuter.
Milo and Alfie xx
Emma looks very sweet, but of course you are still the sweetest!
oy! beagle!
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