Wednesday, November 14, 2012

It's true

it's true, it's my fourth Gotcha Day today.
After four years of training I truly got mom wrapped around my paw. I sleep with her every night, purr on her vigorously whenever I feel like it and make sure she leaves every day with my smells all over her.
I sure hope we'll celebrate my Gotcha Day with a nice long play session later in the day. I just love playing!
Play hard, nap hard - that's my motto!
I hope efurryone is having a good day today. 
Lots of purrs,
Chillimus Prettypuss

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunny Chilli

Don't you just love sunny Sundays?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My only birthday wish

Thanks furriends,
for dropping by and concatulating me on my fourth birthday. Mom says it's unbelievable - to her I'm the eternal kitten.
I have only one wish for my birthday: Could you all send some purrs for mom? 
You see, the last two years have been kind of hard on her. And when she thought things were looking up she got fired from the job she only recently found. Since then she has sent out around fifty applications and isn't even getting interviews. Seriously. She finished her career one year ago! I don't really understand what's going on but I understand that she desperately needs to find a job to be able to move on with her life. So, if you could send some purrs I'd appreciate that very much. Make them strong purrs.
At least she thought about my birthday and got me the best present ever: A real life mousie! Can you see it? I hope to be able to report some good news soon!
Many purrs,
Chillimus Birthdaypuss

Monday, May 7, 2012

Just another...

... Manic Monday!
Furriends, our mom is just starting into the fourth
week in her new full-time job. And she already
 says, that she finally, totally, completely gets me.
Teehee, I think mom is being a little silly Chilli!

Many purrs!
Chillimus Prettypuss, chillout-connaisseuse deluxe

Sunday, April 15, 2012

A special birthday

it's my fourth birthday today!
I'm taking it easy today, relaxing and hanging out, appreciating the good things in life.
I'm particularly enjoying those belly rubbings from mom.
Our garden is in its Spring glory. I love that time of the year when...
...the daffs are daffing and the bees are buzzing.

You might know that it's mom's birthday too today. She celebrated with a party yesterday at a friend's home and returned with lots of cool presents and crinkly wrapping paper in the early hours of the morning. Now she's off to see our grandma. It's a very special birthday for her because we have some truly excellent news for you: Mom found a job! Her first day is tomorrow. She says, that's the best birthday present ever.
Good times ahead!

Lots of loving purrs,
Siena Snowfox

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sniffie smells on Sunday

with Spring approaching there are many very sniffie smells in our garden.
I got to do a thorough sampling the other day. Good times ahead!
Siena Snowfox, official Spring-patrol team

Friday, January 20, 2012

Furriends, we've got a...

... serious (suit)case of FLOOFY FRIDAY.
Have a great weekend, efurryone!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

When, if not Wednesdays

for some things it's never too late - for instance for saying...
...Happy New Year to efurryone!
We truly wish that the brand new year treats you kindly and that your life will be filled with good things and most impawtantly wonderful furriends at your side.
Bring on the good times, 2012!
Siena, Chilli and mom Britta
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