Little Chilli had a flare-up of the squirts yesterday evening. Again she
didn't make it to the litter box. This always seems to happen when mom is outside and when she comes in she notices THAT SMELL - then the wild search ensues. Now she's wondering if it's some kind of stress of being confined inside and seeing her outside... She talked to our vet who said she should come in with her if it doesn't stop by tomorrow. Like the other time Chilli seems to be happy. She does meow a lot though, but in a 'I want to go out' way. It's strange...
The poor little one!
Purrs, Siena
We are sorry about Chilli having the squirts! Hopes the vet can help her! That photo is so sweet!
Oh she looks so cute in the shoe box.
Hope she feels better soon !!!
Olli hat mir in letzter Zeit ein paarmal ins Wohnzimmer gepoooopt obwohl das Klo sauber war...Den Grund hab ich noch nicht herausgefunden....Manchmal sind Katzen gar nicht so unkompliziert.
Liebe Grüße and
We're so sorry to hear that Chilli is still experiencing her "problem." We hope you can find out the exact cause soon so you can treat it.
Great photo in the box. What a cutie!
Your Friends,
Tommy and The Girls
Poor little Chilli. We hope your pooper is back to normal very soon.
Poor baby! I hope that those squirts go away!
Chilli, we hopes you get better soon.
Siena, we hopes you are doing OK. ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris
Oh no! We are so sorry to hear the squirts have returned! Wonder what could be the cause?
When Maggie May had them for a very long time the vet put her on an antibiotic for a week followed by FortiFlora probiotic. She is all better now. Her nickname is still Squirt Pants :)
We sure hope the cause can be found for Chilli and she feels better very soon! We are purring really hard for Chilli!
Sweet Chilli we sure hope that your squirts go away soon. Sometimes when we have "issues" we avoid the trip to the v-e-t because they just want to see...our poop! Sometimes they want to see us too, just because we're cute I'm sure.
Sending purrs your way!
Poor Chilli! I hope she is feeling better! That is a bad problem to have -- for both her and for mommy!
Chilli, we hope you are feeling better soon! We love shoe boxes, too. And we recommend squirting and throwing up on carpet areas, NOT on wood or stone floors. :) ~James and Fiona
Poor Chilli! That has to be distressing for her! That is a cute picture in the box!
Pobre Chili , esperamos de corazon que no sea nada grave y este ´pronto bien , te mandamos muchos mimitos te queremos .
Hope I hope she is doing ok!
Oh dear, sorry to hear about the return of the squirts! some baby kittens that i've been reading about http://50kittens.com/entry.asp?entID=214#entry_top have the same problem, but it's very serious for them because they're so tiny. Chilli, you look adorable sitting in your box...here's hoping your tummy feels better soon. Maybe you should just have some very mild food (boiled chicken and rice) for a little while...
Poor little Chilli -- the recovery box looks very comforting. My old kitty Monger used to get stressed out and throw up EVERYWHERE & sometimes got the "problem" as well. He was very sensitive & it upset him to be confined away from me (he was very bad about waking us up at night...but he got too upset so we just put up with it). He also used to get very anxious and depressed when I was gone for several days or weeks. I sure hope she feels better soon! Poor sweet thing! Please post a picture of your lilac bloom & I definitely need scent on that one! My mom purchased a Persian lilac & is going to try it in her garden in Pea Ridge. At least you do have a bit of garden and outdoor space for pots -- when I rented my apartment, I had much the same thing, but it wasn't so enclosed. Your situation is nicer for the cats. I never let mine out when I rented -- too afraid they would get away from me. I have much more to say -- I really like "chatting" with you!-- but Alice is really anxious for her walk so better go -- it is COLD here today tho! Unusually cold!
So sorry Chilli is not feeling well again! Squirts are hard for everyone in the house. We hope she's not too embarassed, too (we would be!) We're sending her healing purrs.
I hope Chilli can get her squirts problem cleared up. I wonder if something in her diet is bothering her. I've never gotten the squirts, but since I'm so floofy on my backside, sometimes poopies get stuck there. Luckily they tend to drop off easily, I usually leave them at the top of the stairs on my way up from the litter box. That's one of the reasons I've earned the "Stinkybutt" nickname. At least they're pretty easy for Mom to clean up.
Poor little girl. It's hard to say why.
Poor sweet little Chilli! Hopefully the vet can fix her up.
I hope you get rid of your squirts soon. I know when I have that problem, I also have cramps, so I hope you do not, also I hope you don't have to go to the vets.
Poor Chilli, we hope her squirts go away.Maybe it could be an ingredient in her food that doesn't agree with her.
awww, poor Chilli. We hope you feel better. We're sending purring, healing thoughts your way.
Siena, you're such a good sisfur. Keep us informed about Chilli, please :)
9 and Chani
Get well soon, Chilli! We're purring for you:)
Poor little Chilli!!! We hope you are feeling much better soon, little one!!!
Oh noes! I'm sorry Chilli is still having pooper issues. I hope she gets all better soon.
Oh Chilli, that must be just awful for you. We hope it's nothing serious.
Aw, we hope you feel better soon Chilli..huggs from all of us!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
Oh poor Chilli! Could be stress of some sort. I go through the same thing with my Mocha!! She has sort of done this all her life..she'll be good for awhile and then she'll start pooping in some corner and I smell it and have to search like mad! I so know what you mean. We've done her senior tests and show nothing wrong. :( They said it could be emotional. She is a sensitive one. Is Chilli a sensitive one emotionally? I hope she is better soon!!
We left you an award on our blog.
Oh, that is so sad. I know, cause I have that problem too...
Oh Chilli! We hope you can get your squirts under control!
Oh Chilli I hope you feel better very soon.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear about Chilli and the squirts. :( I hope she feels better soon.
Sorry to hear that Chilli is having the squirts again. I hope she gets better soon!
Chilli .. Get better sweetie! Drink lot of water & snuggle with you Beans! While you are resting, pls come vote on a purry impawtant decision, OK?
Poor Chilli. I hope she is better soon.
How very odd. Yet she looks so happy and comfy in the box. Hope you get it sorted out soon. Poor little Chilli - we're purring for her.
Poor little chilli! I'll purr that she's ok...
Get well soon!
Maybe she eats something she shouldn't when you're not around. Do you have any houseplants?
Aww we hope poor Chilli gets rid of the squirts soon.
Rosie & her silly brudders
Poor Chilli, having the squirts is definately not fun ! If it is stress related, maybe a Fellway diffuser might help. My miewmie puts mine on when I get weird, it soon calms me down !!
We hope Chilli is okay and didn't have to go to the vet.
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