We are thankful that our mom rescues us out of trees. Yes, Chilli got stuck in a tree.
Again. Please note the "barrier" mom had put around the trunks to prevent her climbing it. We guess she can take those off now, tee hee. Mom climbed on the wall, reached for Chilli and put her down on the roof of the bicycle shelter in front of the wall. And guess what Chilli did! She ran to our flashy box - mom had put down on the roof to have her hands free - and smooched it over the roof's rim. It fell 3m deep!
We are thankful it didn't get broked.

Chilli's portrait from our Catwalk Caturday
on location photoshooting inspired our friend Martin Hooper to do this cool graphic. We especially like the black & white segment and the rainbow coloured one below.
Thank you Martin! And many thanks to those who voted for us at the Catwalk Caturday
Wall of Fame over at Misha's!
But we have
more things to be thankful for. Siena's price from the
Curly Q Contest arrived from
Victor, Nina and mom Jen. They even included some very yummy holistic cat treats. Many thanks!

Mom, please open this fast, this could be for us!

Chilli, get out of there!!! I can't see what's in the box!

Siena: Mmmh, I think it's the Fling-ama-String!
Chilli: Treats! Yummy!

IS the Fling-ama-String!!!

Mom, you'd better set it up fast. I don't have all day, you know.

Nom, nom... treats make the waiting less hard...crunch, crunch.
At first we hesitated to check this new thing out.
Then we both tried it...

... the stringy moves fast...

... Siena got real good at catching it...

... and Chilli likes to flop down and paw at it.
Now we only have to train the humans to switch it on when we want to play. Victor told us that he trained his boy human to do this. Cool!
Purrs on this truly Thankful Thursday, Siena & Chilli
oh dear, Chilli in a tree again! We're glad your mom was able to get you down safely and that the flashy box didn't break.
Your gifts look pawsome! 9 thinks that our Mom should get one of those stringy toys for us. Hopefully, they're available in the States :D
Chilli, trees are for birdies and squirrels, not kitties, you silly!!! And, what pawesome gifts you both got!!! The Fling~ama~String is purrty kewl too! Is it noisy?
Oh, Chilli, you got in the tree? Again?
You got the coolest toy! I would like my mama to look for that toy even though I'm a lazy player.
I enjoyed all your pictures. I'm glad your camera didn't break!
You are so lucky. We really like our fling a ma string whenever it gets turned on. We watch and watch and watch some more!
Chilli, it must be really fun to climb trees! That is a cool top you won!
There's so much to comment on today ... Love the string toy !!!
your mom is much braver than I would be. thankfully the boyz are indoor boyz and don't have the temptation of climbing trees.
Wow. Lots of action, presents and story telling.
You girls always having something exciting happening at your place! Trees, toys, treats! Woohoo!
We is furry glad, thankful efun, that you like it soooooo much! Siena, we got a grate look at yur curly tail in da video, too. Maybe wif da Fling-ama-string, Chilli will stop goin so high up in da trees? Or not.
Haf grate fun! We is happy to make yous happy!
What beautiful pictures! What is with Chilli?!
Neat toy.
Wow, dat flingamastring thing looks fun. Concatulations, yoor Q tail was purrty cute.
You go Chilli!!! Thwart that evil flashy box, it plagues us all!!!
You guys look like great fun! We also have the Fling-a-ma-String and love it! We will rattle it real loud when we want mom to turn it on.
We like the photo of Chili in the tree (great laser eyes!) but it can't have been very much fun for your mom! And we love Martin Hooper's graphic - we think you should print and frame it. And that string toy looks amazing! We had to google it to see what it was.
P.S. We posted our thankful post for you today - many thanks to you two and your mom!
Trees, treats AND toys? It's all happening at your palce!
The Fling ama string looks like lots of fun. Chilli is like my brother Eric. He is better at going up trees than he is at coming down.
Ahh--the kitties in boxes, I like!!
Oh Chilli you and trees.. You must be careful.. Boxes are fun though.. Glad the flashy box didn't break.. Hugs GJ x
Chilli...thank goodness that camera didn't break! I hate the thought of not having pictures of you to look at! I've instructed Jen to buy a card reader for the camera so that I can post all of the mancatly pictures I have taken for you!
That new toy looks awesome! I loved the video because it showed us how it works - very cool!
Silly Chilli in a tree!! heehee
Good thing it all worked out!! We see you got a really nice parcel :)
Have fun with your toy and the treats!!!!!!!
Thanks for wishing Mickey a happy gotcha day!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
What fun! And how nice of Martin to make your portrait!
these are some beautiful pictures of the kitties!
-us4 gatos
You prize looks like SO much fun! You truly are a great climber, Chilli.
Yes dear friends, many things to be thankful! Glad to see you fine dear Chilli, please take care about that tree okay!
Wonderful gifts and adorable pictures! That box looks so cosy, isn't it?
Have a great weekend dear friends
purrs and love
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