
Is this what we think it is?

A giant feather!

Giganto feather!

It's as big as the whole little Chillimus.

We're in heaven!

Mom found it by chance in the decoration part of her favourite plant nursery.

It really reminds us of something, if we only knew of what...
Excuse us, we've got some chirping, chomping and feather hunting to do.
Siena & Chilli
Your feather looks like fantastic fun!!
That's a Fev-ver with a capital 'F'!
WOW! Imagine the size of the berd!
Milo and Alfie xx
That must have come from one very large birdie indeed!
I would suggest it does look a little bit like someones feathery tail...hmmmm...curious... :)
That is a-MAZE-ing! What fun you are going to have:)
It looks like you have your weekend all organised, girls!!! HAVE FUN!
I'm sorry, it's been a long time i haven't visit u!
But WOW!
The feathers really cool!
Wow, that feather is as big as you are! It does remind me of something.... nice tocks.
Holy Cod! I know that's gonna' be a lot of fun!
That is a SPECTACULAR feather! You lucky cats!
I really think we need to go track down that bird!!!
Purrs Goldie
Wow! Now that's a fev-ver worth playing with!
Oh my that is a wonderful feather. What big bird did that come from. Bet you two had a blast with it. Everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Truly a gift from heaven! Wowza!
Oh God!
this feather is fantastic! confess that I'm jealous =x
That is the biggest fevver I've ever seen ::chirp:: ::twitch::
Grete is off looking for the birdie!
That is an awesome feather! I love the photo of Chilli on her hind legs. You girls are having so much fun! MOL on Siena's cute back side, which very much like the feather indeed!
WOW, what a feather!!!!! Looks like so much fun. Happy Caturday.
That is one big feather! You are two lucky girls. We may put that on our Christmas list!
It's beautiful set of pictures!This looks really funny and I loved your poses !
purrs and love
Oh that looks like a fun feather.
That giant feather loks like my kind of heaven... Enjoy... Hugs GJ xx
That is the biggest feather in the world! Wonder what the bird it came from looks like ;)
we so want one of those!
(sorry... Fin made me say that.)
(Glogirly says I need to watch my language)
I feel a little bit scairted thinking about how big the bird was!
Hello cutie, you weren't kidding...you really do have a great big feather don't you!!!
Wow. *whispers* That's the biggest feather we've EVER seen!
Dushi dreamed of birds with feathers like that once. That was some nightmare.
I absolutely adore those pictures! I have a kitty myself and he just loves feathers. I have a feather boa that he just has the time of his life playing with!
Wow! That really is a big fevver. We wouldn't want to come face to face with the bird it came from.
Whoo hoo we would like a feather that big!
OMC we love the giant feather. You look like you're having a great time with it.
Thank you for the birthday wishes. We had a great day!
9 and Chani
What fun from one little bitty feather. You just never know!
Ooooh, looks like a big ostrich feather! You made me laugh about my messes-- turns out lots of our blog friends are "pilers" and "hoarders!" Makes me feel good to know I'm not the only one!
Whoa! Look at that fevver! They grow them big in Germany!
Whooooa, where do we get one of those??
Oh Bast, that is THE best fevver we have ever seen. An we would love ta nom the birdie what it came from!
Now that looks like great fun. I know Quincy and Emma would go nuts for that! Oh and thank you EVER SO MUCH for your sweet, sweet wishes for us to get better. We are better now...although Mocha still has the steroids in her and she is eating a lot and drinking a lot...and is crankier than normal. *sigh* But I am happy she is eating! Your prayers meant a lot to us!! Thank you Siena and Chilli for your healng purrrrs.
Michelle, Mocha, Quincy and Emma
Love your giant feather. ~S,S,C & F
A Snowfox Feather!
now that is a feather to die for! I am getting down to the local garden centre and searching on out for some 'dock' teasing. Helen, Darcy & Bingley xxx
Wow, that looks FUN! We're sending our human on a mission to find one too!
Have you tried chewing on it yet?
Oh. Wow. We. Want. One.
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