it has been a bit silent on our bloggie. We will have to say goodbye to the idea of daily blogging because our mom needs our help as student's cats. We all love blogging, but she doesn't get anything done without us.
Sigh, a cat has to do what a cat has to do. We'll be around, don't worry, but just not as much.
But first of all I have some healing to do. You see, I had my spay surgery on Thursday and I just came back from an antinflammatory shot today.
Boy, was I feeling miserable Thursday and Friday! I even threw up two times Thursday night. And that little sisfur of mine just ignores me instead of washing and snuggling me like I did when she had her surgery! At least she doesn't throw hissy fits so I have my peace.
You might wonder why I had the surgery only now and not earlier. Well, initially I was meant to get a little bunch of Norwegian Forest Cats. But mom and I talked things through and we realised that this is not a good idea for multiple reasons. I'm sure I would have been a terrific mom and my kittens would have had the most beautiful floofy tails, but I'm equally fine just enjoying my life like it was with Chillimus and mom. I'll just baby Chilli instead. Ha!
With this going on it was a wonderful surprise - and purrfect timing - that we received a present from our dear furriends over at Quiltcat's Mewsings today. We didn't have a clue! 
But first of all I have some healing to do. You see, I had my spay surgery on Thursday and I just came back from an antinflammatory shot today.

On Monday I have to go back to the dreaded vet. Please keep paws crossed that I won't need to wear one of these cones. I have a plaster on the incision and didn't get to it so far. The vet said I'm doing fine and I already purred for mom yesterday.
Siena Snowfox
hope you heal quickly and feel better soon.
Sometimes our humans are to busy too. Doing their human-stuff.
We hope you get better soon.
The gift from Quiltcat looks very pretty. You've deserved it!
We loved the mat, Siena...and we are sending you lotza purrs in hopes you will feel fine again soon. Please don't forget us and drop by when you can. xxxxxxxxxx
Sweet Siena...big purrs to you. I remember how miserable I was after my spay surgery. I was only 6 months old and I had no idea what was coming even though my momma and mom tried to tell me. I was so upset I tried to nurse on momma Ellie when I came home...and she bunny kicked me! ::sob:: She later washed me and purred on me. It takes a couple of days but you'll feel fine soon.
As for daily blogging...don't feel you need to. We do want to see your gorgeousnessfloofinessprettypussness as often as possible so don't stay away all the time ok?
Your mat is almost as beautiful as you, Siena! We are praying and purring that you feel better soon (and that no cones of shame are involved in the process).
Hi there. We knew you'd love your gifts, but had no idea how perfect the timing would be! Siena, hope you heal soon from your spay surgery...we think your mom did the right thing, even though you would have had the most gorgeous kittens, there are more than enough kitties in the world right now, and it would have been costly for her to care for them until they went to their new homes. We're sorry that Chilli isn't snuggling you, but glad you are wrapped in the mat, since it's full of love from all of us. (Hope your mom's finger heals soon and her studies go well this year!)
Oh purrs for you to get better. I hate it when the Woman gets too busy to help me blog!
I wondered if everyone was okay, was looking for an email contact, but couldn't find one.
I'm glad all is well--reasonably well, at any rate. Lots of purrs and healing Light to you, for a speedy recovery. Kudos to your mom for making the right choice in spaying.
(((Hugs))) and kitty kisses to all.
I hope you heal quickly! I cant wait to get to know you a bit more through your blogs since I've just recently found you.
oh sweetie, hope you are feeling better today, I will send you my good energies and all my love, also purrs and prayers for your faster recover.
Very interesting words about kids or not kids!
I think you did a right choice!
purrs and love
Dearest Siena,
We are so sorry that you are feeling sore and that Chilli is not taking care of you. We remember well how you cared for her after her surgery. We hope you will feel all better soon.
Those are such wonderful gifts from the Quiltcat gang. We also received a surprise package and were thrilled!
Purrs from
Tama-Chan and the kittens, Sei-Chan, Yuu-Chan
and gentle healing woofs from
I know I need glasses, but I still don't see the email. LOL. That's okay, I've got your post on my Fuzzy Tales blog; thanks so much.
Yes, it's a desperate situation to try and find homes for all the unwanted kittens, cats, puppies and dogs. Our shelter *does* euthanize for space reasons and the thought makes me sick. I don't know which is worse: Killing the animal without giving it a chance, or having the animal live for months (or years) in a cage. Ugh.
This is why I am a big advocate for spaying/neutering. Plus, there is a greater risk of breast cancer in cats (and I suppose dogs too) that are allowed to have litters. So unless one is a bona fide registered breeder, it's far better, IMO, to spay/neuter.
Purrs and kitty kisses to all!
I hope you feel all better soon, Siena! We know how you feel because my Mommeh is starting a new job next week and we are not sure how it will affect our blogging, too.
Siena, we hope you are feeling better real soon! And we'll miss you guys...we do hope you'll be around once in awhile....
I am so sorry you had some trouble with your surgery. I'm sure if you nap, you'll be all better soon.
Much Love to You,
JC & The Purr Gang ^,,^
Siena, just worry about your mom, if she needs looking after. Some humans just need more snoopervision than others. (We put Jan on that list too.)
We hope you feel better very soon! No surgery is fun.
Dearest Friends,
Siena, we are sure you will feel better is tough, especially the older you get. I'm sure you and your Mom made the right decision. We find it hard to blog daily as well, so understand completely. You must be sure to keep your Mom on the straight and narrow with her studies! What a beautiful surprise from the Quilt Cats.
Love, all your friends at the Rose Jugglers -- LizzyBean, BB, Tiger, GK, Sammy, and Alice
I so know how your mum feels and how she needs to take time to do what she needs to do. Now you little one take care and get all mended soon. I just adore that picture of you cuddled under your new blanket. what a super surprise you got.. Take care. get well soon.. Love GJ xx
I love the picture of you and the flower. Hope you feel better soon, Siena. What good little cats ya'll are to help Mom out with her studies.
I know you're feeling sore, but your Mummy did the right thing. Could you imagine if you got knocked up by a wandering non-Wedgie Lothario?!
Purrs for feeling all better soon. Don't lick your incision so you don't have to have a cone.
Siena, we are sending healing purrs your way.
Good luck helping your Mom with her studies. We has to let youngest boy bean use our computer so we do not get to blog and visit as much as we would like, thank cat & dog we don't actually have to help him with his work. ~AFSS
We hope you soon feel better again and your incision heals well. Your gifts are beautiful.
Sorry your rekhovery wasn't khompletely smooth but I'm glad to see woo are doing better now!
We are glad woo and your mom khame to an understanding about 'things' -
I'm sure woo would have had beaWOOOOtifulFLOOOOOFY khytties but twasn't meant to be -
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
I'm glad you are doing some better now. Make sure you help Mom. Try not to stay away too long because we'll all be missing you!
Poor LSIF!!! I hope you feel better soon. Too bad there won't be little NFCs but breeding takes a lot of time and effort.
We (SS and I) fully understand the dilemma of time constraint in blogging. We hope you will let us see your gorgeous self from time to time. We would miss you terribly otherwise.
Love your mat.
Rest well, little one. Purrrrrrrrrs to you.
Siena, we are sending you purrs that you heal real soon. We understand that you will need to help your mom study but hope you blog when you have time. Take care beautiful!
Rest up sweet Siena.
We don't care if you blog every day. just so we see you sometimes! We don't blog every day either.
We hope you are feeling better very soon.
A cuidarse , esperamos pronto estes bien , y no importa si no publicas todos los dias , hazlo cuando puedas y tranqui que entendemos perfectamente prrrrr .
I hope you heal quickly. I had the same surgery done, but a loooooonnng time ago.
What a wonderful present. I didn't know there was another Mom Paula on the CB.
We hope that you are feeling much better! My little sister will have to have that surgery soon!
I hope that you feel better very soon, Siena. That mat is just perfect for you. I have given you an award.
Sienna, we are sorry to hear yoo've been poorly and stuff. We hope yoo feel much better soon.
Don't worry about being too busy to blog, 'cos we've got yoor RSS feed ~ so whenever yoo write a new post we will know and we can pop over and read it. Sometimes a cat hasta do wot a cat hasta do!
We got a lovely present off the Quiltcat crew too. They are so sweet and kind ~ and the mom is talented.
Love Milo and Alfie xx
Poor Siena! We both had that owchie surgery's NOT fun. We're sending you some healing purrs, and some purrs to your Mom as well. We understand having to help your Mommy, we all have to do it sometime. We'll miss you lots but will keep an eye out for your bloggie posts!
We'll miss seeing you but we'll still be thinking of you. We understand about being too busy to blog because that is what is starting to happen here too. We hope you heal quickly from your surgery & send you our love!
Bruce the cat & Sharon:)
Hope you feel better soon! We're sending out healing purrs and nose kisses to you.
9 and Chani
Sure hope you get feeling better and are back to your cute little self soon!
Sending you warm thoughts and hugs~
Oh sweet LSIF you would have had lovely kittens but this is best I'm sure. You just rest and get healed up quickly.
You girls take good care of your Mom and get her through all the studying.
Hope you'll heal well! And hope you won't quit blogging, because we love keeping up to date with what you and your sister's up to!
Hi Sienna, I've missed you. I've actually been away too. I hope you heal very soon from your surgery. I love your gift. It's very pretty and snuggly. It's very understandable that you and Chilimus need to help your mom with her studies.
Many purrs,
Hope you feel better soon!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Let us know what is happening when you can, being a student is a hard and busy thing.
Hope you get all healed up and back on your feet quickly.
We would lick you (gently) if WE were there. Poor you. We know what its like. We had an op like that. Bingley needed extra surgery because they found a lump. It was scary. But he is just fine now. Love Darcy and Bingley xx
Oh Sweetie Siena. We hope you heal up furry soon! That is a lovely kittie mat you got, purrfect for times like this!
Aw, we hope you are feeling ok now, Sienna. I had to have that done nearly 10 years ago too.
We know how it is with daily blogging too. We try to get our mom to help us post twice a week, and that has been working out ok, but we miss everyone!
we hope you heal fast too. I was quick to heal because I had an annoying kitten bugging the hell out of me and had to get back on my paws quickly. you'll be fine, just relax a bit!
we hope you won't be gone long and stop by whenever you can! huggles and purrs to all of yas!
Poor sweetheart. I hope you'll feel better soon.
Poor Siena, we would love to be there and snuggle with you in hopes of a speedy recovery. We'll send over some healing thoughts.
Hope your Mom's studies go well and you feel up to helping her when you fully recover.
We got a surprise from Quiltcat too, so lovely. We are posting about it later this week when we get the camera working again. :(
Don't worry about the less-time-for-blogging-issue, we are going through the same thing here. *Sigh*
Purrs Goldie, Shade and Banshee
We are sure that pretty cat mat helped you feel better, least we are hoping you have already recuperated and are feeling fine!
You would have had beautiful babes, but I'm glad that you and your Mom decided to do this.
So many little babes out there don't have homes now!
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