When mom said we had to prepare for
Daisy's arrival both Chilli and me got really excited. Would
Daisy the Curly Cat really come to visit us? And would she bring Harley? Just imagine our disappointment when we found out, that "Daisy" was the name for the cold front that is bringing us lots of snow. Hrmpf!
I made the best of it. I like snow! Not as much as Daisy of course.

I like sniffing it.

I like just watching it fall.

I like zooming around in it!

See my tracks crossing some neighbour's track?

It's such a sublime moment when you're the first to leave your paw print in the pristine white cover.

That's my element! My furs keep me dry and warm.

Chilli stayed inside. Although she wanted to go out too mom didn't let her because it would have been too cold for her. Do you see her in the window? Of course she was not pleased.
I hope you're all safe and warm! Or having fun in the snow, just as you like it.
Purrs, Siena Snowfox
Purrs! We both like snow but we don't stay out in it too long, because we're both getting older. ~James and Fiona
Dear Siena, you look so confident outside with all this snow around...It's really amazing! I could not try it, I'm not prepared for so cold weather.However I'm envious here...You are so elegant, charming, beautiful, princess...you are SIENA!
Have a great weekend dear friend
I bet that was a HUGE disappointment! Daisy is much warmer (the Curly Cat)
it must be fun playing with snow :)
You look gorgeous in the snow, Miss Snowfox!
Looks like you had a fun walk ^,,^
Woo surely have pawtential to be a snowkhatdog!
Siena, you look like you were born for the snow. You look perfectly at home in it and perfectly gorgeous. Glad you are having fun!
Those are very pretty pictures in the snowy garden, but it does look cold. Please stay safe and warm.
Fantastic fotos!!!!!!!! Please play in the snow for us, as we've never had snow here. xxxxxxxxxx
Hi Siena. You look warm in your nice long furry coat. It's cold and snowy here too and I don't like it. I didn't used to mind when I was younger, but now that I'm older, I can't handle the freezing cold and the snow anymore. I'm staying inside like Chilli and keeping warm.
Rats! I wish it really was me (and Harley) visiting you. We would have loads of fun!
We like walking in the snow too and seeing our pawprints appear in the untouched snow. We don't stay out too long though cuz we get too cold. You look like you were really enjoying yourself.
Hmpf. When the snow front reached us, there was not much left. Just a little bit of snow to whiten up the garden. And when the birds were so desperate for food they even landed in our trees, we weren't even allowed outside anymore.
Now we know what it's like, Chilli!
I just luv you kitties. You are so very beautiful. I'm short haired, so no like the cold and snow.
You look so beautiful outside. We especially love your pawprints.
You look so bootiful in the snow! *swoons*
You are very beautiful in the snow. I bet Daisy and Harley wishes they could really visit you. I know I do!
Siena, you look so good in the snow...like you were made for it!! We love your feetsprints you left!!
We've never heard of a cold front called Daisy before!
Oh, Siena, you are amazingly beautiful. You look even more so in the snow. Poor Chilli. She looks so cute looking out. I, personally, much prefer to be inside looking out.
You look gorgeous against the snow -- a true kitty snow princess! I would have wanted to stay in with Chilli tho, warm and dry!
Actually, the above comment was me, signed in as BB by mistake!
You look right at home in the snow there. I loved all the pictures, but the zoomies one made me smile extra.
Siena you look so beautiful in the snow! We don't have any right now and it's not cold enough for us to even hope we'll get some. I can imagine your disappointment when Daisy and Harley didn't show up. Sigh.
Oh LSIF! You look so purrfect in the snow. It brings a tear to our eyes.
You are the Snowfoxiest!
Lovely tracks in the snow! So pretty.
Chilli, we think that it's best you stay inside where it's warm. I'm sure you'll get your chance to be cold again, but for now, warm is nice :D
9 and Chani
I sure wish I had some of your 'anti-cold' furs so I could go out and play in the snow.
Beautiful cat, beautiful snowy landscape...
We're sorry that Daisy and Harley didn't come visit but it looked like you had fun with the snow the other Daisy brought. We'd probably have stayed inside with Chilli though!
You are the foxiest Snowfox!! We love your little pawprints! Snow does look kinda fun!
Oh very very nice pics! :) my cats love when it's snowing! ^^
You look totally gorgeous in the snow, LSIF. More for the album with the label of Snowfox Princess.
Siena, you really are a Snowfox :-) Snow clearly agrees with you.
Stay warm!
Cliff and Olivia
Hi Siena. You are definitely doing your heritage as a Norwegian Forest Cat proud!...you look so beautiful, confident, and comfortable in the snow! (and Meowmy was squeeing over how cute your tiny perfect paw prints look in the snow)
Such pretty pictures! Siena you are so beautiful ~ and it's good that Chilli stayed nice and warm in the house. Safety first! :)
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