Monday, November 14, 2011


... it's my third Gotcha Day!
I had an excellent day so far. We were let outside today and I snoopervised to my Gardening Cat heart's delight.
I even ventured into the other world behind our garden wall...
From where I returned with a lot of feathers in my mouth. Hehehehe, I'm not telling how I got them!
But the very best part was that I proofed that I'm a excellent tree-descender and loving sisfur today. I'm feeling so grown-up! Most of you are long-term furriends, so you might remember when Siena rescued me back in 2009. And that I needed quite a few tree-climbing lessons in the beginning. Well, today I rescued her! Siena was stuck in the property right on the left to us.
She was meowing miserably* for my help and couldn't find a way to get back to our garden.
Please note the perfect descent from that tree!
Oh, and try to ignore the high-pitched babytalk from mom. Sheesh.
I came to her rescue indicating where she could climb up and she did. I'm feeling very proud today. Then I came back inside to find that some of you already concatulated.
I am currently settled down with my sisfur for a nice cuddle. Bliss!
What an excellent Gotcha Day - thank you for making it extra special!
Chillimus Prettypuss

*It is true furriends, I was stuck and my little sisfur rescued me.
Or was I?


Purrfect Haven said...

oh adorable.. we were squealing in delight, cooing with pleasure and gasping in trepidation... dearest one... happy day.... we love sharing in it. Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

Kalei's Best Friend said...

A cool descent!.. you have the most gorgeous kitties!.

Angel Simba said...

Wow, what an awesome descent, Chilli. We sure are glad your sisfur got back.

Angel Simba said...

I forgot to say Happy Gotcha Day!!!

Martin Hooper said...

Happy Gotcha Day Chilli!!! :D


A very happy GOTCHA Chilli!!!!


Great descent from that tree!

Cat said...

Happy Gotcha Day!!! Sounds like you had a fantastic day and then topped off with some nice cuddles is great :-) That was indeed fantastic tree descending well done Chilli!!!

Fuzzy Tales said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Chilli!

OMC, your descent from the tree truly was amazing! We've never had a tree to climb, so we can't say what would happen if we tried! Maybe you could do an instruction video. :-)

We're glad you've had a wonderful day!

meowmeowmans said...

We are amazed and astounded by that descent, Chilli! Happy Gotcha Day, sweet girl. Here's wishing you many, many more!


Sammy and Moosey (and mom and dad)

The Island Cats said...

Happy 3rd Gotcha Day, Chilli! It sounds like you are having a wonderful day! Now how did you get those feathers in your mouth??!

Forty Paws said...

Happy 3rd Gotcha Day! And what a great way to come down from the tree!

Luf, Us

A few Good Cats said...

Very graceful, Chilli! Happy 3rd Gotcha Day from all of us Good Cats!

Marlene said...

Good job, Chillimus! You are quite talented and so beautiful :D And yay for rescuing your sisfur!!!

Happy Gotcha day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Gotcha Day!

The Florida Furkids said...

Happy Gotcha Day Chilli!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are back again! Happy Gotcha Day Chilli. You are a very good tree climber and getter down.

BeadedTail said...

Happy Gotcha Day Chilli! You are very skilled at tree climbing, or de-climbing! We're glad you rescued your sisfur!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Happy Gotcha Day!

TabbyNormal said...

Happy 3rd Gotcha Day! We loved all of your beautiful pictures. Both of you look terrific amongst all those fall colors. Here's to many more gotcha days!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy Gotcha Day! sounds like it was a good one.

Cory said...

::clapping paws::

That was a magnificent decent...purrfectly executed!

Happy Gotcha Day (again)!

xoxo Cory and family

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Oh how I enjoyed this!!! Just adorable!!

HAPPY THIRD GOTCHA DAY and here's to many, many more!!!!!

That WAS the perfect descent!

Oui Oui said...

Happy Gotcha Day Chilli! What pawsome climbing skills you have. We are so impressed! You hope you had a great day with lots of fun & treats. This is our first visit, so its really nice to meet you!

Quill and Greyson said...

Chillimus Prettypuss I am so happy to know you and be able to wish you a Happy 3rd Gotcha Day! You have turned into the loveliest of Ladycats from the cutest of kittens. Happy wishes and lots of love to you!

JC said...

Happy Gotcha Day !!! You sure had fun .. it was fun wasn't it ?

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

happy GOTCHA Chilli!!!! We think your sister was just trying to show you that you are a good sister!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

HAPPY GOTCHA Chilli!! *smoochies*

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Happy, Happy, 3rd Gotcha Day! 3 is a GREAT year...

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Belated Happy Gotcha Day, Sweet Chilli!

Purrs and Woofs,
The Chans and Tommy

Cezar and Léia said...

This is such a wonderful day!
Happy Happy Gotcha Day!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Happy belated Gotcha Day you sweet little lady!!!

What an awesome post! You are all so daring and wild!

miu said...

Happy gotcha ,yummy?day!
It sounds you had fantastic day. I love the way you came down the tree.

miu said...

Happy gotcha, yummy? day! It sounds you had a fantastic day. I love the way.byou came down from the tree.
Purrs Pows,

Anita said...

¡Pero qué guapas estáis!

Felicidades y que podamos celebrar muchos más "Gotcha Days"!

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