Although the weather isn't very friendly today we're
out in the garden.

Siena is giving me treeclimbing lessons.

She says I have to be prepared for when
Dado comes around. He's been leaving us alone but is still getting into almost daily fights with the neighbours, Frida and Lilly. We don't understand how mom could mistake the beautiful Lilly with this introoder. He's much bigger and darker!

Right cat on the garage roof.
Wrong cat on the garage roof.

Siena uses the maple tree to get into the other world behind the wall. She's scales the tree and jumps on the wall. That's so cool and I wish I could do it too. Do you see me at the ground watching her up in the tree?

She's such a cool yet calm and relaxed sisfur. I really love her although I bug her sometimes.

Okay, I must go outside again. I just realised yesterday that there are
two Fischies in our tank on the terrace. Why didn't anyone tell me???
Purrs, Chilli
Pretty garden pictures. You have a great sister to teach you how to climb!
Oh what fun times you will have your fishes!
Enjoy your garden time! We're glad Dado is leaving you two alone...but sad that he's fighting with Frida and Lilly.
Hello gorgeous friends!
wow a beautiful series of pictures!Oh Siena is really smart, I would like to learn with her!
Take care about that intruder okay!
Purrs and love
You ladycats look lovely in any situation.
Enjoy the weather while you can as soon the cooler stuff will be here along with the wet cold rains.
I couldn't tell the right kitty from the wrong kitty. Maybe I need the glasses or something.
You really look gorgeous in that second photo, Chilli! Although I am still pretty young (4 months old next week), I was wondering whether you would consider being my girlfriend? Or does your heart already belong to another?
The New Boy in Town
Your sister is so nice to teach you about tree and garage climbing! It's always good to have a mentor.
Chilli, you're so lucky to have such a good teacher in your sisfur Siena.
Very nice pictures of you both and your lovely garden!
What great adventures you have in your own backyard!
your pal,
I just got my book & they asked if I wanted it in August. It will probably take longer to get to you because you're in Germany. It's a great book, you'll like it.
Whoa, Chilli, did I just read that the cheeky little whippersnapper 4 month old kitten is already after you to be his girl?? Now that is one confident mancat in training! Whew!
I think it's awesome your big sisfur Siena takes such good care of you.
We love your garden. What lovely leaves in that first photo! Dado is a pest! We are glad you don't fight!
We're in the garden too! At least I am. And I'm helping Momma plant stuffs around our goldfishie pond. But because it's very windy, Alice is staying inside...she's a little chicken!
We love your garden, it looks like FUN!
Your sister does look like Dado from afar. That is too bad he is causing so much trouble.
I wish I knew how to climb a tree. A real OUTSIDE tree!
That's a coincidence: we have been working on a tree climbing instruction video today. We hope it will be published very soon.
i'm not going to show these pictures to the boyz... they'd be jealous of your garden.
It's good that Dado is leaving you alone! Chilli, with the way you climbed to nearly the top of that tree awhile back, we're surprised you need lessons. But, it's good you have such a skillful teacher with Siena!
Siena is so fearless and floofy!
Chilli, you have such big eyes! You look lovely in your pictures. Siena is indeed a great tree climber. I'm sure she's enjoying teaching you all her great tricks! Our mom is hoping that we don't get any ideas about climbing all the cool boxes and shelves that our grandparents have in their house hehe.
9 and Chani
I love roofs. Annytime a ladder is up, I get up on the roof. I can see a long way an the whole neighborhood there.
Lovely photos
I said that before and now I am just repeat it: You are a really beauty!
I invite you and your friend to join a virtual march against cruelty on animals:
Tienen una casa preciosa. Nos gustaría mucho tener un jardín igual que el suyo y tan bonito para poder dominarlo, ¡muahahahahá!.
Disfruten del buen tiempo y del domingo!
the award is waiting for you
Hallo, Siena und Chilli, schön habt ihr es im Garten und sogar mit Fischies...
Eure Nachbarkatzen sind doch ganz nett, schade, dass es immer einen kampf geben muss, aber das ist wohl so bei uns Gartenkatzen.
Wir wünschen euch alles Gute zum Welttierschutztag!!!
Schnurrige Grüße
Luna, Luzie und Olli
(baby man kitten at Tama-Chan's??? oh no, we are so far behind, after we comment here we're going to have to go see what that's all about!)
Lovely pictures of the two of you in the garden. We're glad Dado hasn't been bothering you but it's a shame that he's fighting still with your neighbor cats. Tree climbing is a good skill to have...it's fun and it could save your life! Just make sure to practice how to get down safely, too.
We want your garden (humans and felines both)! I'm sure you two ensure there's no mice or other rodents eating up your human's plants. Climbing up is the easy part... make sure your sisfur teaches you how to get down first!
You look like you both had a marvelous time in the garden/yard area.
Thanks for the nice comment about Smudge. I haven't looked back at those posts in so long. I still can barely even look at pictures of him. But it was nice to look back and remember how many people cared about him and how special he was.
I know it's crazy, but ever since we lost him I had been half expecting a grey and white male to show up. That's why when Everett showed up I just knew he belonged here.
Hi all! Dis iz funny wetther herez too... not good fur gardenin' so I gots to come upstairz & gets on da comphooter wit da momee. I sure haz missed all my frendz dis summer & it iz good to see you all.
Dr Tweety
Be careful in the great outdoors, furriends!
Siena continues to amaze me with her athletic abilities.
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