Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sisfur pleasures

You think I like being groomed?

You are soooooooo right!

We will be on a short break from today on but will be back towards the end of next week. See you all then... and pleeeeez don't forget about us!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli

Friday, January 30, 2009

Finally Friday

Mom says I'm looking especially pretty in this picture. That's a nice change from being called Crazy Cat all the time. You hear me, mom?

We wish you a pawsome Finally Friday!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The snooze button

I am not tired. Honestly. I'm not.

Maybe a wee bit sleepy.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Searching in vain

My fang! My precious extra special double fang!
It must be here somewhere...We're back to normal fang-wise: The remaining extra fang has disappeared without a trace... Everyone - except Chilli - did a sigh of relief.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Crazy Mom - Crazy Cat

No comment was available from Chilli, the very determined little Crazy Cat shown in this video.

Or is it the human who's crazy?
Judging from the laughter it is hard to tell...hihihi.

The background to this video is that Chilli was asking - in her own polite ways - to be let out of the room where she and Siena (& we) were staying during the Christmas days. Seeing her act like she acted was too much to hold the camera still. ; )

Saturday, January 24, 2009

You may... me Miss Snowfox if you like.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Finally Friday feeling frootbat-ish

Frootbat, moi?

I don't know, what do you say, Tama-Chan?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The big fuss

I am still trying to teach Chilli the 'big fuss'. The big fuss is a move that is very impawtant in several occasions - it is some kind of joker move. It comes especially handy when distracting the Evil Twig, but can be used any time to confuse any opponent. Here I am doing a fine demonstration of it, but Chilli (sitting at the right behind the door) remains clueless. I could SO tell by the look on her face! Sigh, the mission never ends, does it?

Monday, January 19, 2009

Keeping track

Now I'd really like to know where that Chilli went to...wink, wink. All I know is that just a moment ago she was in the bathroom with me...wink, wink.
Chiiiiiilli, Chiiiiiiilli, where aaaare yoooou?
She sure is a good hider!
But I think I might have found a hint!
Hi Chilli!
Sorry sis, your milky white nose and mouth gave you away!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Catical Correctness III

Do your humans sometimes don't know how to behave when the cat of the house - that is you - jumps up to their desk and lays down? Should they interrupt their work and talk gently to you? Give you the odd chin scratch, maybe even rub your tummy?
I will make today's lesson of catical correctness very short:

Saturday, January 17, 2009

No Fear

No fear - I haz it.
I do not fear the smell of your socks, human.
You wore them how many days????Ah, well... whatever.

Friday, January 16, 2009

How long is "a long time"?

Chilli is practising her 'Vampire Cat with Double Fangs' moves for Halloween. Alas, the "extra" fang on the left upper side already fell out yesterday. Now, she anxiously wants to keep the other one. Mom tried to explain that it takes a while until Halloween, but she won't listen. Kitten!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Interview with a Vampire

Spot the double fangs when I yawn!

Be aware, Siena! Muahahahahahaha...

Mom here:
The double fangs are seemingly nature's way of ensuring that the cat doesn't happen to be without fangs at all. It's better to have four than none... ; ) In the vast majority the kitten teeth fall out after a short time, but there are cases where they held on for up to three months. I will have to watch if there isn't an inflamation, though. Of course, I sneaked up on Chilli while she was sleeping and took a photo.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Two breakthroughs

As you all might have supposed, the Evil Twig Training for Chilli has been going on during the last weeks. I can proudly report today, that little Chilli has made much progress. Maybe her most impawtant long-term achievement is, that she lost respect for the twig. I could see her poking her tongue out at him two times.
That is very brave, Chilli!
She also followed some of my advice from the Evil Twig Tutorial. For instance, she made a point in DISTRACTING the twig. Distraction is very impawtant! Here she is making believe she's walking away... Please note how I watch her from a little distance during the training without putting pressure on her. You should never pressure a kitten... Well done, Chilli!
She threw in her whole weight to tackle the twig.
And then came the break-through: She actually nibbled a bit off! That is a leap towards really mastering him!!!
I was so proud of her.
But then, while going through the pictures with her to improve some of her technique futher, I found out something. Can you see something strange in the two following pictures?
No? Maybe in this one?
Yes, indeed! She has grown herself TWO fangs on each upper side!!! I'm not sure if that should lead to DISQUALIFICATION... what do you think?
Purrs, Siena

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Gardening Cat

Even I, the chief Gardening Cat, get into little problems while gardening.
Spot the unruly leaf clinging to my tail furs?

So, it might take a little more until Chilli can start her official
Gardening Cat apprenticeship.
"I want to become a real good Gardening Cat!"

Friday, January 9, 2009

Finally Friday with Funny Feet

Hi efurryone! It's me, Chilli.
Since I arrived to my furrever home on a Friday 8 weeks ago, I made myself part of efurrything that's going on in this household. I'm sort of taking the lead here and won't tolerate being left out! But today Siena's SIFs arrived and they are out in the garden frolicing in the snow. And I AM NOT ALLOWED OUTSIDE!
Clockwise from the left: Momo, the resident silver-fox, Fin and Miss Kitty.
I am feeling so left-out right now. Mom claims that I need to grow floofy fur and snowshoed paws to be outside, as the other day I started shivering right after a few minutes (Yes, I got out in the snow wearing my red harness the other day. Extensive coverage will follow soon!).
For now, while the Sisters in Floof are playing outside, reminiscencing of their trip to Norway last year... I'm taking advantage of the situation in cuddling with mom. Hear me purr with contentment:
Maybe staying inside is not that bad after all...
We even made silly pictures we called "Funny Feet"!Hahahaha! Ahhh, some mom-and-me time...
I hope you all get some cuddling done today! Happy Friday from Chilli

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Honouring the New Year's Baby...

... "kind of late" version.

Like efurryone, our mom wanted to go straight for our baby photos to honour the two New Year's Babies over at Housecat Confidential. We couldn't post our baby photos on the 1st of January though, because we weren't at home. So, sharp one week later comes our contribution. How's that for rules, Fin? ; )
We luvs you!
Baby Siena on "01.01.03" (darn camera settings, we say!).
Baby Chilli on 21.10.08 at approx. 8-10 weeks. Five days later our mom came to the foster family to visit her.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Kitten pasttime

When chasing one's own tail versatility comes in handy to prevent this kitten pasttime from getting boring. I am VERY versatile: I chase my tail one way or the other!
P.S.: I also got a furry longue tong, but that's another story...

Monday, January 5, 2009

The paper bag case

If you're a cat you know about the extreme value of paper bags.Oh yes, I love my bag. It's my purrsonal paper bag.
Oh, hi Siena! How nice to see you!
Of course, I won't say no to a sisterly nosekiss while I'm lounging in MY bag.
Ahem, sisfur, WHAT exactly are you doing there?!
No! No way! Get out! We won't fit both in here. And I don't like to share!
Actually, I doubt you'd fit in that bag at all....
Phew, that was a close call but I defended my bag.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

THoE is the best!

Yesterday we played a lot. Isn't THoE just the greatest game?
Chilli managed to make me jump TWO times, pawing me from inside that box. I have to pay more attention! She is growing strong and tall so fast...Don't fall for her cuteness... DON'T! Oh no: Too late - she already got you!
I had to use my lasers to keep little Crazy Cat under control. She is such a devil in disguise!
But she's the sweetest devil of all! Cats in boxes are the funniest thing.
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